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Thanking God for You!

Dana Crosby

Hi Friends,

You have been on my mind! Can I just say how much I miss you? This summer and fall has been full of challenges and changes for my family, but one thing remains the same, God continues to put you on my heart all the time! God has big plans for us, not only the rest of this year, but in the coming years. More on that later.

First, a personal update. This summer, as a family, we were faced with the difficult decision to seek assisted living care for my grandmother and my uncle. Those of you who have been down that road with a family member understand how emotional, draining, and time consuming that process can be. Thank you for all who prayed for me and my family as we struggled together to find the best option for them. Praise God, they are settling in and calling the new place "home".

Just as things were calming on that front, my family headed south for the winter. We purchased a home on November 1st and began almost immediate renovations. Tearing out one wall, quickly escalated to hiring an electrician, plumber, tile, drywall and kitchen professionals (am I missing anyone?) All the while, trying to do as much of the demo ourselves to save some money. I bagged about 1,200 lbs of old tile myself! Thank the Lord my husband is in shape, because he bore the brunt and hauled about 4,000 lbs of debris out of the house! Most of the grunt work is now completed, and when we return from Thanksgiving with family in Pennsylvania, we should be able to move in and decorate for Christmas. My kids are thrilled to have Christmas in our own house for the first time in about five years of motorhoming!

But I haven't forgotten about you! My heart yearns to be back in touch via videos again soon! Pray that my studio is setup speedily because there is so much on my heart to share! I also have a long video I am in the process of editing exploring the Two Witnesses of Revelation! Lord willing, our kids will be starting a new phase of private school (after homeschooling for five years.) Pray for our kids to thrive with this transition. This will give me much needed time during the day to create video, audio, and written content for you all. If there is a specific topic you would like to me to comment on, please let me know via twitter: @wisdomcalls.

As I reflect on all the things I have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season, please know how thankful I am that God has put us together in this exact season of our lives for His divine purposes. May God give you grace for what you are going through and strengthen you with His Spirit. May God use you as a light to those you influence, even those that you don't know are watching. I can't wait until we are together again via video!

Love you all,


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